Honeit turns phone and video interviews into college admissions insights. Tired of manually scheduling calls, scribbling notes and typing summaries? Share interview intelligence for quick collaboration and better decisions.

Automate Scheduling
One-click Google and Outlook integration makes scheduling a breeze. Automatically send calendar invites, email reminders & SMS reminders. Capture resumes and pre-screening answers on scheduling links.

Record & Transcribe

Candidate Previews
Instead of typing interview notes and written summaries, easily capture and share highlights from college admissions interviews for quick collaboration and faster admissions decisions. Showcase an applicant’s domain knowledge, communication skills and work experience stories.

Diversity & Inclusion
Blind candidate previews reduce bias and make it easy to showcase personality, domain knowledge, communication skills and career highlights without a resume, photo or personal social profiles.

Search & Discover
Search call transcripts, interview questions, answers, tags and notes. Discover the best interview questions and answers for every degree program. Capture a powerful new layer of admissions intelligence.

Global Communication
Easily talk via mobile phone, land line or through your computer with nothing to download or install. Avoid international and long-distance calling charges with our global phone numbers and VoIP links.

Easy Integration
Honeit is light-weight and plays nice with any system or workflow. Paste Honeit scheduling links into emails or applications. After a call, easily download, export or push interview intelligence into another system through secure links, partner integrations or the Honeit API.

2 Week Free Trial
Turn college admissions interviews into insights!